Here is some more pictures of our house. These will be the last until it is all finished.
In the kitchen. The gap below me is for the fridge.
These look rather dangerous. Thankfully there is no electricity flowing through them yet.
YAY!!! Miss H's window seat is all finished. Isn't it sooooooooooo coolio?
This is the lounge Still very messy.
And especially for Great Aunt Windy - pictures of the outside of the house.
The Mother and I joined another swap by eamylove. This time for a needle case.
This is what I am sending to my lady. The Mother kindly made the needle case for me as Miss H was too busy.
The lady asked for rich colours so we thought that this was perfect.
This is what The Mother is sending to her lady.
Her lady didn't say what she wanted so the Mother made something very fun.
And this is the inside.
Love From
Baa. xxx