Monday, 23 June 2014

More House Pictures and a Needle Case Swap

 Hello Peeps,

Here is some more pictures of our house. These will be the last until it is all finished.

 In the kitchen. The gap below me is for the fridge.

These look rather dangerous. Thankfully there is no electricity flowing through them yet. 

YAY!!! Miss H's window seat is all finished. Isn't it sooooooooooo coolio? 

 This is the lounge Still very messy.

 And especially for Great Aunt Windy - pictures of the outside of the house.

The Mother and I joined another swap by eamylove. This time for a needle case.

This is what I am sending to my lady. The Mother kindly made the needle case for me as Miss H was too busy. 

The lady asked for rich colours so we thought that this was perfect. 

This is what The Mother is sending to her lady. 

 Her lady didn't say what she wanted so the Mother made something very fun. 

 And this is the inside. 

Love From
Baa. xxx

Friday, 13 June 2014

Kitchen and Candle

 Hello Peeps,

The house is slowly progressing.

 On Thursday the garage door was put in.

On Friday the kitchen pieces arrived and were unloaded from a MASSIVE truck. (In the background you can see that the Gib has all been put up - that was done on Monday and Wednesday.)

The Enemy and I checked out the kitchen drawers.

"How much longer do I have to sit here before you give me the treat?"

Ow! Can I get out of the drawer now?

I am doing a headstand on top of the "sink."

When it is all finished there will be a lovely deck outside.

I was smelling this beautiful flower when I noticed someone else hiding...

I coaxed him out of the plant. His name is Little Beau.

We quickly became friends. He looks just like me!

Can you see the similarities between us?

We spent the afternoon reading nursery rhymes.


They are playing England tonight and we are all hoping Richie McCaw will lead them to victory. 

Love From
Baa. xxx

Monday, 9 June 2014

Batty House and a Banana Man.

Hello Peeps,

The house has gone batty!!! On Friday the batts started to be put into the walls.

The proper name is earth-wool. It is for insulation and noise deading.

A lot of the wiring has been done as well.

This is Miss H's door. (Classified information: This door is going to be painted a bright colour, but that is all I can tell you...)

Miss H wedged me into the door frame. YOUCH!!!

I decided to have a bit of a rest on the Gib on the floor. Hopefully it will be put up soon once the batts are all in.

Oh look. It is made in NZ like me.

Miss H told me there was chocolate in this container. To which I replied "They look like nails."
"Oh, yes, they are - nail shaped chocolate." Miss H assured me.

Um,  they don't taste like chocolate... they have more of a metallic flavour...

The Mother and Miss H made a banana man on Sunday. 

Isn't he soooo coolio? He has olive slices for his eyes, a slice of tomato for his mouth, and a leaf of lettuce for his eyebrows.

Love From
Baa. xxx

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

The Queen's Un-Birthday Weekend!

Hello Peeps,

The Queen has an Unbirthday Birthday (actually quite a few...). Last weekend was NZ's Queen's Birthday Weekend (apparently every commonwealth nation chooses a weekend to celebrate her birthday each year) and so we got Monday off.  YIPEE!!!

 Happy UnBirthday Queen Elizabeth II!!!

On Sunday we went to Whitianga.

There was a lovely beach that Miss H, Kit Kat and I walked along. 

And a playground. Miss H let me have a go on the swing. She put the clip on so I would be safe. 

 Sitting in the middle of the "sun."

Uh, Miss H this is a VERY long slide.


Then we traveled to Pauanui and stayed the night. The next day - the Queen's UnBirthday - Me, Kit Kat and Miss H went on an adventure.

Look at the COOLIO lunch box. 

Kit Kat and Miss H decided to put me in all sorts of different trees.

Kit Kat climbed up this tree and stuck me on a branch before leaving me ALL ALONE up there.

It was sooooooooooo high up. VERY VERY scary! I had to cling on for dear life.

This was my favourite tree that they put me in. It had such a lovely view... and it wasn't too high. 

Love From   
Baa. xxx